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Coronavirus: Niger reopens air space, airports on August 1st

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Niamey, Niger, July 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The Nigerien government says it will reopen its air space on 1 August, 2020, according to an official communiqué issued at the end of the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers in Niamey.

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Coronavirus: 114 new infections detected in Libya

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Tripoli, Libya,  July 20 (Infosplusgabon) - Libya recorded 114 new coronavirus infections on Monday, the National Centre for Disease Control announced on Monday, saying it is the highest number of daily infections ever recorded in the country since the pandemic was discovered in the country on 24 March.

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M5-RFP rejects ECOWAS mission's proposals for a way out of the Malian crisis

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Bamako, Mali, July 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The Mouvement of 5 June-Rassemblement des forces patriotiques (M5-RFP) has rejected the proposals of the mediation mission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for a way out of the many crises in Mali, calling on its activists to remain mobilized until the resignation of the Head of State, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita.

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Coronavirus: Kenya pandemic deaths reach 238 as new infection caseload climbs to 13,771

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Nairobi, Kenya, July 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The death of four people due to coronavirus-related complications on Monday brought the number pandemic deaths in Kenya to 238.

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Cours de change de l'ouguiya mauritanien

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Nouakchott, Mauritanie, 20 juillet (Infosplusgabon) - La Banque centrale de Mauritanie a publié, lundi, les cours de change de l'ouguiya par rapport aux principales devises. Voici les cours:

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