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M5-RFP rejects ECOWAS mission's proposals for a way out of the Malian crisis

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Bamako, Mali, July 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The Mouvement of 5 June-Rassemblement des forces patriotiques (M5-RFP) has rejected the proposals of the mediation mission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for a way out of the many crises in Mali, calling on its activists to remain mobilized until the resignation of the Head of State, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita.


At the end of their mission on Sunday in Bamako, the emissaries of the sub-regional organization, led by former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, made a series of recommendations, the main ones being the formation of a government of National Accord and the rapid establishment of a six-member Constitutional Court, aimed at resolving the lingering socio-political crisis rocking Mali.


Rejecting the ECOWAS proposals, the M5-RFP said President Kéita and his regime were guilty of "bad governance" and "mismanagement" of the crises.


To the ECOWAS delegation, the opposition also called for "the immediate and priority opening of judicial investigations with a view to prosecuting the perpetrators, instigators, and accomplices in the killings of 23 of its members and other abuses.


They also called for the release of Soumaïla Cissé, leader of the opposition group.


They alleged that ECOWAS had ruled out the resignation of the President.


"It is with surprise that the M5-RFP notes that ECOWAS, which is supposed to find solutions to the crisis in respect of the Malian Constitution, has made arrangements that precisely violate the said Constitution," saying that ECOWAS had not considered the socio-political crises rocking the very existence of Mali as a Nation, Republic and Democracy."


From Friday, 10 July, the M5-RFP's call for mass demonstrations was attended by thousands of demonstrators in Bamako who were demanding for President Keita's resignation.


During the demonstrations, the National Assembly and the Office de radiodiffusion et télévision du Mali (ORTM) was ransacked and partly looted while roads were barricaded.


Clashes with the security forces resulted in at least 11 demonstrators being killed and more than 120 injured, according to hospital sources.


The M5-RFP reported 23 dead and more than 150 injured.




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