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Sierra Leone: Civil society group to sue mobile companies over poor service

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FREETOWN, Sierra Leone, September 21 (Infosplusgabon) - A civil society group, Native Consortium and Research Center, have threatened to file a class action law suit against mobile telephone operators in the country, if they do not compensate customers for their poor service.

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Rwanda: US condemns brutal killings of Burundi nationals in Eastern DR Congo

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KIGALI, Rwanda, September 21 (Infosplusgabon) - The U.S. government has said it was dismayed by the "violence and death" of more than 30 Burundian nationals and a Congolese soldier in Kamanyola, in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), insisting that perpetrators must be held accountable, in a statement made available Thursday to Infosplusgabon in Kigali.

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Liberia: Liberia's electoral body, police commit to successful 10 October polls

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MONROVIA, Liberia, September 21 (Infosplusgabon) - Officials of Liberia’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) and police authorities have assured ECOWAS Long-Term Observers of their commitment to successful presidential and parliamentary elections in the country on 10 October 2017.

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Tanzania: Thursday's exchange rates for Tanzania Shilling

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DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, September 21( Infosplusgabon) -  The following are Thursday's exchange rates for the Tanzania Shilling as issued by the Bank of Tanzania.

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US: No one country can tackle problems of migration, Libya tells global leaders

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NEW YORK, US, September 21 (Infosplusgabon) - Recalling the situation in Libya since the 2011 revolution, Faiez Mustafa Serraj, the President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord said that international support is essential to ensure progress in the country.

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