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Sudan: 5 persons killed, many injured in clashes over Bashir's visit to IDP Camp in Darfur

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KHARTUM,  Sudan, September 23 (Infosplusgabon) -  Two more persons were killed on Saturday in a displaced persons camp in Darfur which Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited on Friday.


The latest figure brings to five the number of persons killed since the visit.people.


Both the Government of South Darfur and the United Nations Peace keeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID) reported that the clashes started on Friday, although they gave different accounts of the incident.


UNAMID said three people were killed on Friday when government security forces moved in to disperse groups of IDPs who are opposed to the visit, the first such visit since 2003.


In its own story, the South Darfur government said the deaths occurred when those opposed to the visit clashed with those supporting the president.


It said those opposing the visit had actually "blocked the persons wishing to attend the welcome gathering for the president, using Kalashnikov, Garanov and Dochka mortar as well as grenades to disperse them.


A report said that one policeman was injured when the mob attacked three presidential guard vehicles.


Those killed were named as Ishag Abakar Adam, 60, and Ibrahim Adam Idris 47.


In a statement, received by Infosplusgabon on Saturday, UNAMID said it was "deeply concerned about the clashes between government forces and internally displaced persons (IDPs) residing at Kalma camp, South Darfur, which have led to the death of at least three IDPs and injuries to some 26 others.


The Mission urges all parties to exercise utmost restraint, promising to do everything to deescalate the situation.


“I call upon everyone involved in this situation to restore calm as soon as possible. A peaceful resolution of differences is the only way forward for the Darfuri people,” UNAMID Joint Special Representative, Jeremiah Mamabolo, was quoted by the release as saying


On Saturday, the official news agency, SUNA, reporting from South Darfur region said two more people were killed in a renewed clash on Saturday among IDPs in the camp.





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