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US: Technology vital for small nations to meet dev't goals, Lesotho’s PM tells UN

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NEW YORK, US, September 23 (Infosplusgabon) - Small countries, especially those in Africa, should be empowered with technologies to deal with and adapt to climate change challenges, as well as meet their development goals, the Prime Minister of Lesotho told the United Nations General Assembly’s high-level debate on Friday.

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Liberia: UN reaffirms commitment to democracy in Liberia

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MONROVIA, Liberia, September 23 (Infosplusgabon) -  The United Nations (UN) is providing Liberia with important support to ensure credible and successful presidential and legislative elections in October, towards the consolidation of democracy in the country and the ECOWAS region, Farid Zarif, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), has affirmed.

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US: Tunisia calls for comprehensive response to global terrorism

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NEW YORK, US, September 23 (Infosplusgabon)  - The threat of terrorism has forced Tunisia to double the budget of its military and security expenditures, Foreign Minister Khemais Jhinaoui told the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, stressing that more international support was needed despite the Government’s efforts to stamp out the scourge.

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US: Sierra Leone, at UN debate, stresses preventive diplomacy for regional peace

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NEW YORK, US, September 23 (Infosplusgabon) - A senior minister from Sierra Leone on Friday stressed the importance of mediation and regional partnerships to preserve peace, urging the international body to reflect on reform measures that will uphold the United Nations’ collective responsibility to maintain peace.

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Sudan: 5 persons killed, many injured in clashes over Bashir's visit to IDP Camp in Darfur

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KHARTUM,  Sudan, September 23 (Infosplusgabon) -  Two more persons were killed on Saturday in a displaced persons camp in Darfur which Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited on Friday.

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