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LEAD: Tens of thousands march to demand end of President Mugabe's rule

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Harare, Zimbabwe, November 18 (Infosplusgabon) - Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans on Saturday poured into the streets of cities across the country to celebrate Wednesday's take over of the country by the military and demand that beleaguered President Robert Mugabe must step down.

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President Zuma addresses Zimbabwe impasse

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Cape Town, South Africa,  November 18 (Infosplusgabon) - South African President Jacob Zuma on Saturday said the African region was committed to supporting "the people of Zimbabwe" following this week’s dramatic military intervention, and expressed optimism that the situation could be resolved peacefully.

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President Mugabe to meet military leaders on Sunday

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Harare, Zimbabwe, November 18 (Infosplusgabon) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe will meet the command element of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) on Sunday, the state broadcaster has announced.

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Ministerial reshuffle highlighted in Mauritius this week

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Port Louis, Mauritius, November 18 (Infosplusgabon) -  This week was marked in Mauritius by a cabinet reshuffle that saw the first ever appointment of a woman to the post of Vice Prime Minister and the entry of a third woman in the 24-member cabinet.

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US spends $4 billion on HIV/AIDS programme in Nigeria

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Abuja, Nigeria, November 18 (Infosplusgabon) - The United States Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) said on Friday that it has spent over $4 billion on HIV/AIDS response programme in Nigeria since 2004.

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