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President Mugabe to meet military leaders on Sunday

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Harare, Zimbabwe, November 18 (Infosplusgabon) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe will meet the command element of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) on Sunday, the state broadcaster has announced.


The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) said the meeting was announced on Saturday by Father Fidelis Mukonori, the chairman of the negotiating team.


Father Mukonori said this will be the second time that President Mugabe and the ZDF command are meeting. The first meeting took place last Thursday.


The three-member negotiating team is made up of Father Mukonori, Aaron Nhepera and George Charamba.


The announcement of the meeting comes after a day of huge rallies across the country hailing the military takeover and demands for President Mugabe to step down.


Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans poured into the streets of cities across the country in "Solidarity" rallies that could be seen as a big boost for the military as it negotiates the departure of President Mugabe.


The liberation hero, who led Zimbabwe to independence in 1980 and economic success in the initial stages, was clearly painted as a villain as the crowd chanted for him, his wife, Grace, and inner ruling elite to leave.


They carried placards some of which read "Zimbabwe Army The Voice of the People", "Mugabe Out", "Not Coup but Cool", "Mugabe Mjust Go". They also carried portraits of the head of the Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF) General Constantino Chiwenga, who they described as "the real liberator of Zimbabweans".


"It is time for Mugabe to go," said one man while a woman said she finds it difficult to feed her baby.


State broadcaster Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) said having ruled for the past 37 years, President Mugabe’s time could be over as people from all walks of life marched across the country calling for an end to his reign.


In Harare, the main Zimbabwe "Solidarity Rally" was at the Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfield, but thousands marched toRobert Mugabe Square opposite Rainbow Towers.


Business also came to a standstill in Bulawayo and Victoria Falls as thousands expressed themselves in an "unprecedented way", ZBC reported.


Many high profile citizens, who had fallen out with President Mugabe, as well as representatives of political parties, including former Vice President Joice Mujuru addressed the crowd.


ZBC said speakers at the rallies were unanimous in calling for an end to President Mugabe’s rule, which they described as characterised by economic hardships, protection of thieves around him and failure to deliver on the expectations of the Zimbabwean populace and war veterans. They also accused him of trying to create a dynasty by appointing his wife as Vice President.






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