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President Zuma addresses Zimbabwe impasse

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Cape Town, South Africa,  November 18 (Infosplusgabon) - South African President Jacob Zuma on Saturday said the African region was committed to supporting "the people of Zimbabwe" following this week’s dramatic military intervention, and expressed optimism that the situation could be resolved peacefully.


Large marches in solidarity with Zimbabweans are taking place in Cape Town and Pretoria where hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans live. Many are carrying placards demanding that President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace be removed.


The crisis in Zimbabwe will be discussed on Tuesday when SADC leaders meet in Angola. President Zuma who has sent two Cabinet members to Harare to negotiate with Mugabe has confirmed his attendance.


There are strong indications that Pretoria might offer the Mugabes a permanent residency if they are willing to leave peacefully. However, the matter is complicated by the fact that Grace faces a criminal case in South Africa, following her alleged assault on a young model in Sandton in August.






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