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Coronavirus crisis demands 'fundamental rethink' of relationship with natural ecosystems

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Paris, France, June 6 (Infosplusgabon) - The COVID-19 health crisis should be seen as a clarion call to “fundamentally rethink our relationship” with natural ecosystems and shrinking biodiversity, the UN cultural agency chief said on Friday, World Environment Day.

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Terrorist groups exploiting COVID-19 in Sahel, UN peacekeeping chief tells Security Council

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New York, US, June 6 (Infosplusgabon) - COVID-19 is complicating an already complex security situation in the Sahel, with terrorist groups exploiting the pandemic as they step up attacks on national and international forces, the UN’s peacekeeping chief said on Friday.

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Coronavirus: WHO urges mask use in confined public areas

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Geneva, Switzerland, June 6 (Infosplusgabon) - Governments in areas with widespread COVID-19 transmission should encourage the use of non-medical masks on public transport, in shops and in other locations where physical distancing is difficult, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends, in updated guidance published on Friday.

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Bamako hosts large demonstration to denounce mismanagement of the country by government

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Bamako, Mali, June 6 (Infosplusgabon) - Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators converged Friday at the Independent Monument here to protest against the mismanagement of the country.

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Algerian Christians face wave of church closures

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New York, USA, June 5 (Infosplusgabon) - Algerian authorities radicalize by using religion to divert the real stakes of the country, which in this case is a blocked political situation and turbulence at the socio-economic level despite the freedom of worship, however guaranteed by the Constitution, which has been violated Many times.

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