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South African law firm extends its reach in Africa

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Cape Town, South Africa, June 1 (Infosplusgabon) – Less than a year after it announced it was opening a new office in Mauritius and entering into an alliance with Assefa & Associates Law Office in Ethiopia, a South African company on Monday announced that it is expanding into Malawi and Zambia.



Despite the COVID-19 uncertainty, Bowmans said its tie ups with Malawi and Zambia are timely.


Both countries are in the World Bank’s top 10 Sub-Saharan Africa countries in terms of ease of doing business for 2020 after having been ranked, in 2018, among the world’s 10 most improved economies when it comes to regulatory reforms that make it easier to do business.


Chairman Robert Legh said: “We’ve been planning the expansion for some time”. We decided to press ahead so we’re ready with an experienced team of local lawyers in key markets to help them harness these opportunities when the time comes.”


In Malawi, Bowmans is teaming up with Elton Jangale, who manages PFI Partnerships (PFI).  The new office in Zambia, registered according to Zambian law as B&M Legal Practitioners, will start with two partners: Mabvuto Sakala and Bwalya Chilufya-Musonda


The Bowmans brand is now present in eight key African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia with nine of its own offices in seven jurisdictions.




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