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Coronavirus: Nigeria’s COVID-19 cases swing upwards with 389 new cases, 12,233 total infections

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Abuja, Nigeria, June 7 (Infosplusgabon) – With 389 new cases, the number of Nigerians infected with Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues its upward swing, as the total number of confirmed infections in the country climbs to 12,233.

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Nigerian Gov. seeks review of W/African protocols to end armed herdsmen migration into Nigeria

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Abuja, Nigeria, June 7 (Infosplusgabon) – Alhaji Abdullahi Ganduje, the Governor of Kano State in the northern part of Nigeria, on Saturday called on the Federal Government to seek a review of the West African Protocols that allowed for free movement to stop armed herdsmen migration to Northern Nigeria.

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30 novos casos de coronavírus detetados na Líbia

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Tripoli, Líbia, 6 junho (Infosplusgabon) - A Líbia registou 30 novos casos de infeção por coronavírus, das 635 amostras testadas sexta-feira, elevando o total deste casos no país a 239, anunciou neste sábado o Centro Nacional Líbio de Luta contra Doenças.

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Coronavirus: Kenya sets in motion plan to gradually ease economic lockdown

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Nairobi, Kenya, June 6 (Infosplusgabon) – Kenya has set in motion a plan to gradually ease the economic lockdown, lifting of movement restrictions and the reopening of churches, mosques and schools.

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Coronavirus: Rwanda's positive cases rise to 420

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Kigali, Rwanda, June 6 (Infosplusgabon) - Rwanda’s confirmed cases of coronavirus have risen to 420 after heath authorities reported 10 new cases, according to an official update obtained on Saturday in Kigali.

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