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Gabon : Addax Petroleum Oil & Gas Gabon celebrates famous St. Barbara
18 Décembre 2014
Gabon-Economy-Addax Petroleum Oil & Gas celebrate St. Barbara event
LIBREVILLE, December 18 (Infosplusgabon) - The recent celebration of St. Barbara in Port Gentil has become a tradition for Addax Petroleum Gabon Oil & Gas, a subsidiary of China's Sinopec Group. The opportunity was given to the general direction through the voice of the Deputy general manager Roger Sickout Mavoungou to recall the values underlying the company on the occasion which includes the combined celebration of 20 years of existence society, 10 years of continuous presence in Gabon and five years of membership in the SINOPEC Group.
Addax Petroleum Oil & Gas Gabon celebrated every December for the reunion also track the progress and discuss the outlook for 2015. The oil company is currently producing 20,000 barrels of oil per day and plans to consolidate the technical integrity of its production facilities.
"We have managed to stabilize the production of our main areas of Tsiengui and Obangue and we initiated studies to develop around," said Mr. Sickout Mavoungou. The general management of the company has promised to offer employees better working conditions and promising prospects in career and individual development of agents for the coming years.
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