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South Africa: New book addresses Zuma rape scandal

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CAPE TOWN, South Africa, September 18 (Infosplusgabon) - President Jacob Zuma’s sexual promiscuity has once again come back to haunt him. The latest humiliation for Zuma, who is fighting for his political survival following a wave of high-profile scandals, is the publication of a tell-all book by a woman who claimed he had raped her and fought a bruising court battle against him.

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Togo: Togo Bishops call for urgent constitutional reforms

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LOME, Togo, 18 septembre (Infosplusgabon) - Togolese Bishops have called on the government to urgently carry out "reforms requested by the people in accordance with the 1992 Constitution".

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Senegal: Anti-CFA activists call for dismissal of French reps on BCEAO board

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DAKAR,  Senegal , September 17 (Infosplusgabon) - Activists opposed to the CFA Franc have called for the "unconditional" withdrawal of French representatives from the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) during a protest against the regional currency, held Saturday in Dakar.

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Benin: BOAD lends 10 billion CFA to SGB bank of Bénin


COTONOU, Bénin, September 17 (Infosplusgabon) - The West African Development Bank (BOAD) will lend 10 billion CFA Francs to Société générale Bank of Bénin, official sources said Sunday in the country's capital, Cotonou.

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2017 CAF Confed. Cup: 1st-leg, quarter-final results

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CAIRO, Egypt, September 17 (Infosplusgabon) -  The following are results from the first-leg, quarter-final matches in the 2017 CAF Confederation Cup, played this weekend (with 2nd-leg dates).

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