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US: 21st century will be Africa's century, Guinean President tells UN General Assembly

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NEW YORK,  US, September 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The 21st century will see Africa take its rightful place on the world stage, Alpha Condé, the President of Guinea, which also holds the current presidency of the African Union, told the United Nations 72nd General Assembly on the opening day of its general debate on Tuesday.


“The 21st century will without doubt be a century in which Africans are going to are going to count for more and in a decisive way because there is an ever-greater determination among Africa’s leaders and youth that the hour of renewal has arrived,” he said.


“Africa, formerly subjugated, ruthlessly exploited and molded by the will of others, has awakened. She has arisen to lead the battle for sustainable development, justice and good governance.”


Stressing that Africa’s lack of development is not its fated destiny and that it has been the most dynamic continent over the past decade, Mr. Condé highlighted the need for economic diversification, industrialization and the need to instruct and deploy two million community health workers throughout the continent.


As African leaders have repeatedly advocated at many previous General Assembly General Debates, he called for the enlargement of the 15-member Security Council, the only UN body whose decisions are mandatory and have the force of international law, to reflect the new realities of the world, including permanent seats with veto powers for African States.




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