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UN delivers coordinated humanitarian response in wake of Mogadishu bombings

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Mogadishu, Somalia, October  20 (Infosplusgabon) -  The United Nations family of agencies and programmes is continuing to roll out its response in support of the recovery and clean-up effort in Mogadishu following Saturday’s massive car bomb blast, which killed some 300 people, injured hundreds more, and is being called Somalia’s worst-ever such attack.

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FIFA throw out Zambia protest against Nigeria in World Cup qualifier

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Zurich, Switzerland, October 20 (Infosplusgabon) -  FIFA has thrown out Zambia's protest over the World Cup qualifier against Nigeria, saying it will not act on a complaint filed by the Football Association of Zambia about refereeing in the 7 October match.

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Buhari urges D8 to support Africa's quest for single market

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Istanbul, Turkey, October  20 (Infosplusgabon)  -  Nigeria’s President, Muhammad Buhari, on Friday urged members of the D8 Organisation for Economic Copperation (D8) to support the African Union’s effort in establishing a single market.

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#MeToo movement stems from impunity and culture of silence, senior UN official says

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New York, USA, October 20 (Infosplusgabon) -  Casual indifference to sexual harassment is unacceptable, the head of the United Nations entity mandated to promote gender equality has said, urging women and men to change their response to acts of sexual aggression.

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South African court attaches property of Equatorial Guinea's Vice-President

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Cape Town, South Africa, October 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The Western Cape High Court has attached the luxury Cape Town home of Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, Equatorial Guinea's Vice-President.

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