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Coronavirus: World Bank predicts slowdown in Kenya's economic growth to 1.5%

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Nairobi, Kenya, April 29 (Infosplusgabon) - Kenya’s gross domestic product (GDP) is projected to decelerate substantially in 2020 due to the negative impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the World Bank said on Wednesday in its economic forecast on the East African nation.

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Malian army neutralizes terrorist group in central region

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Bamako, Mali, April 29  (Infosplusgabon) - The Malian Armed Forces (FAMAs) on Tuesday neutralized an armed terrorist group during an attack on their position at Kouakrou in the Djenné circle of Mopti region, security sources said on Wednesday.

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COVID-19: Senegal records 59 new cases of coronavirus, 19 recoveries

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Dakar, Senegal, April 29 (Infosplusgabon) - Senegal's Ministry of Health and Social Action on Wednesday announced 59 new cases of coronavirus and 19 recoveries from the disease.

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Wednesday's forex rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya

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Nouakchott, Mauritania, April 29  (Infosplusgabon) - Following are Wednesday's foreign exchange rates for the Mauritanian Ouguiya as issued by the Mauritanian Central Bank.

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Zimbabwe opens Tobacco Marketing Season with COVID-19 caution

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Harare, Zimbabwe, April 29 (Infosplusgabon) - Zimbabwe's Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement minister Perence Shiri has told the tobacco industry to continue implementing COVID-19 (coronavirus) risk reducing measures till the marketing season ends.

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