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Rights advocate calls on Sudan to hand over former president al-Bashir, two others to ICC over Darfur crimes

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Nairobi, Kenya, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) - Human rights advocate Amnesty International has renewed its demand to the Sudanese authorities to hand over former President Omar al-Bashir and the two other suspects of human rights abuses in Darfur, Ahmad Harun and Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein, to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to face justice.

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Mauritania riot police disperse demonstrators demanding justice for young man killed by military patrol team

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Nouakchott, Mauritania, June11 (Infosplusgabon) - Riot police on Wednesday dispersed a demonstration in Nouakchott demanding justice for a young man killed by an army patrol team near Mbagne, 400 kilometers south-east of Nouakchott-River Valley, on the night of 27 May.

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Nigerian to take 'decisive action' against rape, violence against women, girls

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Abuja, Nigeria, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) – Nigeria on Wednesday said that with the “embarrassing” rate of rape cases in the country, it has decided to push for the domestication of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPPA) to ensure that offenders face deserved punishments for their crimes.

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Coronavirus: Ghana’s tally up by 157 to 10,358

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Accra, Ghana, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) - Ghana’s Covid-19 cases have risen to 10,358 with the addition of 157 new infections, the Ghana Health Service (GHS) reported on Thursday.

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Burundi : Pierre Nkurunziza est décédé à la suite d’un " arrêt cardiaque" (médias)

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 10 juin (Infosplusgabon) - Le président du Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, est décédé lundi, suite à un "arrêt cardiaque", ont annoncé mardi, plusieurs médias citant un communiqué du gouvernement.

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