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Bamako hosts large demonstration to denounce mismanagement of the country by government

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Bamako, Mali, June 7 (Infosplusgabon) - Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators converged Friday at the Independent Monument here to protest against the mismanagement of the country.


The demonstrators also protested against the bad management of the security, educative, and health crises which the country has been going through for years, Infosplusgabon reported


They were led by several political groupings such as Espoir Mali Kura, the Front for Safeguard and Democracy (FSD), and the Coordination of Movements, Associations and Sympathisers (CMAS) of Imam Mahmoud Dicko.


The demonstrators, who came from Bamako and the other regions of the country, carried placards with inscriptions such as "Liberate ORTM", the national television accused of siding with the government, "No to dictatorship and fraud".


Speaking in turns, the initiators of the demonstration harshly criticized the government of its incapacity to run the country and called for change.


A member of FSD, Choguel Kokala Maïga, said: "When a driver can no longer drive, his drivers’ license must be withdrawn", alluding to President Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita.


"IBK (leave president), Abas Manassa (the chairwoman of the constitutional court) accused of falsifying the results from the last parliamentary elections (March-April 2020),


Mountaga Tall, another member of FSD said "Mali is a village run by a chief who does not control anything. We must help him relieve himself of the burden he carries".


The influential imam Mahmoud Dicko, former chairman of the Malian High Islamic Council, said: "I say it to anyone, IBK, Koro (elder brother), we have to manage this in dignity".


The demonstration was supervised with professionalism by the security forces deployed in large numbers tohe venue of the demonstration and nearby zones.



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