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Gabon : The Gamba oil field discovered by Shell Gabon celebrates its 50 years


Gamba (South West ), October 15 ( Infosplusgabon ) - The city of Gamba commemorated on Saturday around the CEO of Shell Gabon, Godson Njoku, the 50th anniversary of the discovery of Gamba oil field. HE Désiré Guedon, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Employment and Sustainable Development represented the President of the Republic.


 In addition to the leaders of partner companies, CEOs of several other oil companies or their representatives participated in this important event.

 The  Gamba oil field was discovered in August 23, 1963 by Shell Gabon on Ogooué license. A few years later, February 21, 1967 took place the loading of the first cargo of crude deposit Gamba. During the same year, Shell Gabon discovered on September 5, 1967, the Ivinga deposit, near Gamba .

 Shell Gabon is installed in Gabon since February 9, 1960, is a company 's exploration and production of oil. Its capital is divided since 1974 between the Gabonese government (25 %) and Royal Dutch Shell Group ( 75%). The establishment in Shell Gabon occurred at a time when the country was in a transitional phase driven by the beginnings of independence 60 years .

 The field Gamba began its first steps in February 1967, when the first cargo of crude oil was loaded. Before the launch of the gala brought together an invited audience, the CEO of Shell Gabon thanked all the guests and said that "celebrating 50 years of discovery at Gamba , is an exceptional event that reflects both the duration of our presence in Gamba, that the contribution of staff and continuity of our relations with the Gabonese government and local communities."

 Paying tribute to seniors by means of former colleagues or through their new features have graced Gamba, Godson Njoku quoted Andre Dieudonne Berre, Charles Tchen, Jean Louis Guissiga, Jean Baptiste Bikalou, Etienne Ngoubou Mr. Alilat Antseleve and Serge Toulekima who were absent for various reasons.

 The Head of Shell Gabon has also welcomed the partners including Jacqueline Bignoumba , the Gabonese Union Oil , Theodore Yezet Total Gabon, Rodney MacAlister of Vaalco, Serge Fosso Wamba Schlumberger, Joseph Denis Antchouey Oil of Lybia, Jean-Medard Madama of Tullow Oil. Ulrich Beh Essono of Engen and Jean Baptiste Bikalou of Petro Gabon.


The future  of Shell in Gabon

 For Godson Njoku , the priorities for Shell Gabon in the coming years will revolve around :

 • From the asset integrity and safety of facilities Shell Gabon to ensure reliable oil production

 • Excellent relationships with partners in Shell Gabon, that is to say, the government, local authorities, communities, associations, business partners, NGOs and suppliers

 • The further development of staff in terms of skills and career opportunities.

 "Our new vision launched it two weeks ago is" to be the most innovative and competitive energy sector in Gabon partner " in building on our core values ​​of honesty, integrity and respect for others, as well as talent development , strong partnerships and technologies , " He said.

 A gala evening with the main guest singer, poet and composer Pierre Akendengue , surrounded by other gabonese artists, closed the commemoration.

 Read more (in French) -



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