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Senegal: Senegal commemorates 15th anniversary of Joola sinking

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DAKAR, Senegal, September 26 (Infosplusgabon) - Senegal on Tuesday commemorated the 15th anniversary of the sinking of the boat, "Le Joola", which occurred on the night of 25 to 26 September off the Gambia, causing 1,863 deaths and disappearances.

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Italy: Bioversity Int'l launches 1st scientific review of agrobiodiversity’s untapped potential

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ROME, Italy, September 26 (Infosplusgabon) - Investments in agrobiodiversity play a critical yet overlooked role in tackling wider global targets such as reducing poverty and malnutrition, reversing environmental degradation and combating climate change, according to a new study released in Rome, Italy, on Tuesday.

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Tanzania: Global warming brews trouble in coffee homeland Ethiopia


DAR ES SALAM, Tanzania, September 26 (Infosplusgabon) -  Ethiopia is likely to lose half of its coffee growing area due to global warming, according to a groundbreaking new study published Tuesday by Nature Plants, an exclusively online scientific journal.

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DRC: MONUSCO 'gravely concerned' by use of lethal weapons in Bukavu crowd control

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KINSHASA, DRC, September 26 (Infosplusgabon) - UN peacekeepers in DRC (MONUSCO) say they are "gravely concerned" by the use of lethal force by DRC defence and security forces in response to public protests in Bukavu, South Kivu province, leading to civilian casualties including children.

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Rwanda: Tuesday's forex rates for Rwandan Franc

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KIGALI, Rwanda, September 26 (Infosplusgabon) - The following are Tuesday's foreign exchange rates for the Rwandan Franc, as issued by the National Bank of Rwanda.

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