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Coronavirus: Benin to screen travelers at Cotonou airport

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Cotonou, Benin, May 14  (Infosplusgabon) - The government of Benin will begin the systematic screening of all travelers arriving at Cotonou airport to limit the spread of COVID-19 infection, according to a statement from the Ministry of Health.

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COVID-19: Senegalese Interior Ministry sets terms for reopening places of worship

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Dakar, Senegal, May 14  (Infosplusgabon) - Senegal's Interior Minister, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, has said the reopening of places of worship must be done in compliance with individual and collective measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

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Covid-19: South Africa opposition takes legal action over extended lockdown

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Cape Town, South Africa, May  14  (Infosplusgabon) – South Africa's official opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) on Thursday indicated that it is taking legal action over President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that his administration was only planning to move the current national lockdown to a lower level at the end of the month.

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Congo expects new equipment to fight Coronavirus

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Brazzaville, Congo, May  14  (Infosplusgabon) - Congolese Minister of Health and Population, Jacqueline Lydia Mikolo, announced on Thursday in Brazzaville, the arrival in the coming days, of new equipment to increase the national screening capacity for Coronavirus , after an interview with officials of the Senate Health Commission.

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Coronavirus: Governments, pharmaceutical industries urged to provide a fair guarantee of Covid-19 vaccine

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Paris, France,  May  14 (Infosplusgabon) - The cost of vaccinating the poorest half of humanity, 3.7 billion people, against the coronavirus could be less than the profits of the ten largest pharmaceutical companies in four months, Oxfam International said on Thursday.

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