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Covid-19: South Africa opposition takes legal action over extended lockdown

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Cape Town, South Africa, May  14  (Infosplusgabon) – South Africa's official opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) on Thursday indicated that it is taking legal action over President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that his administration was only planning to move the current national lockdown to a lower level at the end of the month.




The party has been pushing for Ramaphosa’s National Coronavirus Command Council to immediately end the lockdown, claiming it is destroying the economy with tight restrictions.


DA leader John Steenhuisen said Covid-19 infections would inevitably rise significantly “but we cannot remain trapped by the fear of the duration of Covid-19 because this illness could be with us for the next two years”.


He added that “we must learn to manage it and to live with it”.


The DA will file legal papers in Cape Town on Friday to force Ramaphosa to immediately ease the current lockdown.


Ramaphosa said consultations with different stakeholders will begin on Friday as the country prepares to ease major restrictions, including a nationwide ban on the sale of tobacco and alchohol.


During his visit to the Eastern Cape on Thursday Ramaphosa said “once the consultation is done, we will make an announcement”.





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