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South Africa probes claims that Africans are targeted in China

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Cape Town, South Africa, April 17 (Infosplusgabon) – Claims that  Africans are being targeted in China and subjected to forced evictions over the coronavirus pandemic will be investigated by South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Co-operation.


This is after reports surfaced that African expatriates in Guangzhou have been accused of importing COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases into China. Some claim they have been evicted from their homes by landlords and turned away from hotels.


“We urge the Chinese authorities to investigate these allegations about Africans being subjected to testing for the coronavirus,” the department said on Sunday.


And the African Group of Ambassadors in Beijing have sent a message to the Chinese Government over the matter.


Also on Sunday, AU chairperson, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed four special envoys to “mobilise international support for Africa’s efforts to address the economic challenges African countries will face as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic”.


They are respected economists Trevor Manuel, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Dr Donald Kaberuka and Tidjane Thiam.


They will be tasked with “soliciting rapid and concrete support as pledged by the G20, the European Union and other international financial institutions”.


“In the light of the devastating socioeconomic and political impact of the pandemic on African countries these institutions need to support African economies that are facing serious economic challenges with a comprehensive stimulus package for Africa, including deferred debt and interest payments,” President Ramasphosa said.


In other developments, a South African Airways (SAA) flight carrying about 200 South African nationals is scheduled to land at Cape Town International Airport late on Sunday evening.


"SAA operated a repatriation flight on behalf of the Canadian government on Friday that took Canadian citizens to London, where they took a connecting flight to their home country," said airline spokesperson Tlali Tlali.


Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula said upon arrival the passengers will be subjected to a mandatory quarantine period.





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