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The Power of Partnerships to Transform Healthcare in Africa (By Dr. Ahmadu Lamin Samateh)

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LIBREVILLE, November 20 (Infosplusgabon) - African countries should collaborate in training specialists, sharing knowledge and resources through partnerships and mutual training programmes, according to Dr. Ahmadu Lamin Samateh, Minister of Health, Republic of The Gambia. In the realm of medicine, there are pivotal moments that can forever change lives. For me, that transformative moment occurred two decades ago when my path intersected with medical mission teams in our country, including Mercy Ships, an organisation committed to delivering life-changing surgeries to those who need it most. Witnessing their surgical interventions and the profound impact on people’s lives ignited my passion to become a surgeon.

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IVORY COAST : Public procurement: the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) adopts ten recommendations for an effective contribution to sustainable development in Africa

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LIBREVILLE, November 20 (Infosplusgabon) - The third General Assembly of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN), which wrapped up in Abidjan on Thursday, adopted around ten recommendations for an effective contribution to sustainable development in Africa. This followed an earlier decision by participants from around 40 African countries to host the 2024 APPN General Assembly in Rwanda.

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IVORY COAST : African Development Bank holds first regional technical consultation on Public Service Delivery Index

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LIBREVILLE, November 13 (Infosplusgabon) - The African Development Bank, together with partners, including the Tony Blair Institute and International Labor Organization has held the first of a series of regional technical consultation meetings, on the Public Service Delivery Index (PSDI). The Index measures public service performance in African countries through the lens of the Bank's High 5s priorities.

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ICRC demands protection of patients, healthcare workers, medical facilities in Gaza amid escalating attacks

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Israel and the Occupied Territories-War/IRC

LIBREVILLE, November 13 (Infosplusgabon) - According to a  press release, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is urgently calling for the respect and protection of medical facilities, patients and healthcare workers in Gaza. Overstretched, running on thin supplies and increasingly unsafe, the healthcare system in Gaza has reached a point of no return risking the lives of thousands of wounded, sick and displaced people.

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Reforms needed to production and market-distorting policies as agricultural support reaches record highs

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LIBREVILLE, November 1 (Infosplusgabon) - Total support to agriculture reached record levels of USD 851 billion per year during 2020-22 for the 54 countries covered by a new OECD report, as governments sought to shield consumers and producers from global crises and high inflation. Just under half of this government support was in the form of measures with the greatest potential for market distortions, such as border tariffs and subsidy payments based on output.

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