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Stephanie Williams calls participants in LPDF on emergency to move forwards against looming dangers

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Tripoli, Libya, December 3  (Infosplusgabon) - The acting special representatives of the UN Secretary-General in Libya, Stephanie Williams, Wednesday called on participants in the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) to move forward in discussions on mechanisms to choose leaders of the executive authority.

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Coronavirus: Guinea records 15 new cases

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Conakry, Guinea, December 3 (Infosplusgabon) - Guinea on Sunday recorded 15 new positive cases of coronavirus following tests carried out on 194 samples, the National Health Security Agency (ANSS) announced on Monday in its daily bulletin.

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UN report says 1.3 billion school-aged children can’t log on to internet at home

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New York, US, December 2  (Infosplusgabon) - A staggering two-thirds of the world’s school-aged children – 1.3 billion children aged 3-17 – do not have internet connection in their homes, preventing them from learning vital skills needed to compete in the modern economy, a new UN report has revealed.

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UN report says 1.3 billion school-aged children can’t log on to internet at home

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New York, US, December 2 (Infosplusgabon) - A staggering two-thirds of the world’s school-aged children – 1.3 billion children aged 3-17 – do not have internet connection in their homes, preventing them from learning vital skills needed to compete in the modern economy, a new UN report has revealed.

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Former Liberian rebel leader goes on trial in Switzerland for alleged war crimes

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Geneva, Switzerland, December 2 (Infosplusgabon) - The trial of a former Liberian rebel leader arrested in Switzerland for alleged war crimes during Liberia's first civil war is an important step forward for victims, Human Rights Watch said on Tuesday.

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