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Bashir affirms Sudan's commitment to fighting terrorism

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Khartoum, Sudan,  January  1st (Infosplusgabon) -  Sudanese President Omar Bashir has said his government  remains committed to global cooperation to foster international and regional peace and counter terrorism, money laundering as well as human trafficking.


He was reported by the official Sudan News Agency (SUNA) on Monday as telling a celebration marking his country’s 62nd independence anniversary that his government has managed to overcome 20 years of "unfair" sanctions through strenuous dialogue with the United States of America.


He paid tribute to Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar, as well as the Africa Union, Ethiopia and Chad, for supporting Sudan in getting the sanctions lifted.


Bashir said an active "presidential diplomacy" that he led together with his aides, touring different countries of the world and welcoming many heads of state and government in Sudan, built up strong relationships, including strategic partnerships with Russia and Turkey.


Bashir boasted that his government has managed to reach peace in the country, observing that sustainable peace requires a strong army to guard it. For this reason, he said, Sudan has trained a professional army which is capable of defending the country against any powers that are ambitious of its resources.


Though his country was punished for allegations of sponsoring terrorism, he said that the Americans and the West have realized that Khartoum was one of the pillars of regional and international security and peace, “working diligently to combat terrorism, money laundering and human trafficking.”


Now, Bashir argued, the world has “recognized that the Sudan does not sponsor terrorism and furthermore the Sudan is a main actor in combating terrorism.”


He cited his country’s current participation in the Saudi-led coalition to restore the legitimate government in Yemen as part of that collaboration to combat terrorism.


“This is a participation that was dictated by our religious values, our moral heritage and in staving off terrorism and aggression. And we will continue in this participation until it achieved its noble objectives,” he emphasized.






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