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President Zuma addresses economic challenges

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Cape Town, South Africa, January 1st (Infosplusgabon) - President Jacob Zuma has called for radical transformation of the economy in his New Years message.

He noted that while the economy had been "turbulent” in 2017, "we are pleased that we emerged from the technical recession". In addition, the country’s GDP began to show welcome improvements.


"The programme of radical socio-economic transformation will be the main focus of government in the year 2018, and it will inform the delivery of our programmes."


Zuma said that a key way this transformation would manifest would be through his recent promise of free higher education for poor and working class students at universities and colleges.


"The intervention must be the beginning of a skills revolution in our country, in pursuit of the radical socio-economic transformation programme," he added.


Zuma said that 2018 would mark the centenary of former President Nelson Mandela who died in 2013. "We should use the year to celebrate his contribution and promote unity and togetherness in our country. Where we disagree, let us do so with dignity and respect and promote unity and cohesion as we build our country together,” he added.






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