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UN chief congratulates Weah on Liberia election victory

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New York, USA, December 30 (Infosplusgabon) - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday congratulated George Weah on his election as the next President of Liberia, and commended Vice-President Joseph Boakai for conceding defeat.


In a statement issued by the UN Spokesperson welcoming the announcement by the National Elections Commission on 29 December of the final results of the presidential run-off election in Liberia, the Secretary-General applauded all Liberians for the successful completion of the elections process, which was conducted in a peaceful environment.


“[Mr. Guterres] commends the work of the national, regional and international electoral observation teams,” said the statement


The statement expressed the UN chief's appreciation for the efforts of former President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, a member of his High-level Advisory Board, and welcomed the steadfast good offices of his Special Representatives Farid Zarif of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and Mohamed Ibn Chambas of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS).


”The Secretary-General notes that the conclusion of peaceful, transparent, free and fair elections confirms Liberia's steady march towards lasting peace, stability and development,” the statement said, adding that Mr. Guterres also noted that the challenges that lie ahead are significant and will require unity of purpose by the President-elect and his Government, as well as all political stakeholders.


The Secretary-General looks forward to working closely with the President-elect and the people of Liberia towards the consolidation of peace and economic development, the statement said.







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