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EU election mission bills Liberia's presidential runoff poll "very good"

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Monrovia, Liberia, December 28 (Infosplusgabon) - European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) Chief Observer, Maria Arena, has said that the 26 December presidential run-off election in Liberia was “calm and benefited from organizational improvements made by the National Elections Commission (NEC).


“Our 74 election observers reported from over 239 observations in rural and urban areas in all counties,” Arena said in a statement Thursday in Monrovia.


She noted that EU EOM observers assessed the conduct of the voting process in observed polling stations as “very good.”


She added: “The additional deployment of queue controllers and their training had a positive impact on election procedures in and outside the polling places, facilitating the exercise of the right to vote.


“The EU Election Observation Mission welcomes above all, the resilience of Liberian voters. They have shown, through their patience an unwavering commitment to democratic principles. They turned up on Election Day in large numbers and exercised their right to vote peacefully.”


According to the EU parliamentarian, the EU EOM values the contribution from all stakeholders to the election process as well as their engagement with the Mission that “made our work possible.”


Despite a longer period than expected between the two rounds of the presidential election, Liberian citizens, institutions and political parties forged a path to the fulfilment of their democratic rights and responsibilities, she observed.


The run-off election of 26 December, though held later than anticipated, was a milestone achievement for Liberian democracy, Arena pointed out.


“An undeniable aspect of this significant election is the collective effort that underpinned its realisation. Voters, civil society, Liberian institutions, in particular the NEC, the judiciary and the Liberian National Police, the domestic observers and ECOWAS all contributed to make this important step for Liberia’s democracy possible,” the EU Chief Observer said.


The EU Mission has been following the election process since 1 September, observing all its aspects and engaging with different stakeholders such as the political parties, national authorities, media and civil society.


It has also followed the complaints and appeals processes and, throughout, maintained a presence at key hearings at the NEC and the Supreme Court.


The EU EOM will, following the conclusion of the election process, present its findings and recommendations in a final report, which will be published and presented to the Liberian authorities and public.





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