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Residents of Zambian town in terror siege

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Lusaka, Zambia, December 27 (Infosplusgabon) - Residents of Kitwe’s Kwacha township, northern Copperbelt Province of Zambia, spent Christmas eve and night indoors in fear of a notorious gang calling itself “Sons of the Devil" that warned it would beat up anyone coming out at night during the festive season.


The state-run Zambia Daily Mail reported on Wednesday that Kitwe residents are increasingly under threat of gangs terrorising dwellers. The members are mostly youths, some of whom have in the past been arrested.


One of the Kwacha residents, Charity Kamoya, said the "Sons of the Devil" are a very dangerous gang.


“On Friday last week, they were going round in the community telling everyone to be indoors during Christmas. No-one left their houses on Christmas eve and Christmas Day in the night for fear of being attacked by the 'Sons of the Devil'.


“We really wanted to enjoy ourselves. We wanted to go out and have fun, but we were confined indoors because the gang made it clear that they were going to shed blood this Christmas,” Kamoya stated.


She said the people on Kwacha Township were living in fear, and wanted the police to arrest the situation.


But Copperbelt Commissioner of Police Charity Katanga said the communities in Kitwe were not willing to partner with the police to control the gangs.


“We want the community to help us by forming neighbourhood committees, this is the only way we can control the gangs,” the Police Commissioner said.







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