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Southern Libya adopts charter for reconciliation

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Tunis, Tunisia, December 24 (Infosplusgabon) -  More than 55 representatives from the South of Libya have concluded a three-day Forum in Tunis by adopting a general Charter for Reconciliation, and committed its signatory parties to build wider support for it and encourage a greater number of constituencies to abide to it.


Participants of the Forum included elders and wise men from various tribal components of the South, community leaders, members of municipal councils, youth and women activists, local mediators, and civil society organizations.


According to an official statement, published by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on Saturday, the South Reconciliation Forum offered a platform for the various social components in the South to discuss the main challenges to peace in Fezzan, and to agree on a set of principles and mechanisms for local and national reconciliation.


“Participants stressed the pivotal position of Fezzan in the Libyan political and social landscape, in the hope that it will become a future symbol for reconciliation,” said the statement, noting, however, that initiatives to end the tribal wars in the Fezzan over the past six years failed to build a solid peace.


“The South Reconciliation Forum, therefore, contributed to launching an inclusive dialogue leading to the elaboration of a Reconciliation Charter between the main stakeholders of the region,” it added.


“This Charter is to be further presented to all components of the Fezzan, including armed groups, medias, civil society organizations, and universities, so that all Libyans know about it and abide to it, and so that Fezzan becomes a model of reconciliation in Libya and beyond,” reads a clause in the Charter annex.


It indicated that the Forum for Reconciliation in the South is to be officially registered as a civil society organization in Sebha, with branches in all cities of Fezzan.


Reconciliation committees are to be formed with the founding members of the Forum, both men and women, in order to intervene in resolving disputes.


Also, regular follow-up meetings will be held in all Fezzan and in Libya to present the outcomes of the Tunis meeting and to encourage other constituencies to join this popular movement for peace and reconciliation.


The Forum has encouraged civil society, universities, municipalities and social components to raise awareness about the importance of reconciliation, peaceful dialogue, and transitional justice in Libya.


It has recommended that civil society and tribes contribute to fact-finding efforts by documenting human rights violations in view of a future State-led mechanism.


As part of the mechanism for attaining permanent peace in the country, participants of the conference recalled that focus on financial compensation is not the only way of solving crisis, and that reparations also include non-monetary measures such as apologies, healing, and psycho-social support.







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