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Three killed in Rwanda's Cassiterite mine collapse

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Kigali, Rwanda, December 19 (Infosplusgabon) - Three illegal miners were killed when a Cassiterite mine collapsed in Rwanda's northwestern district of Rubavu, according to a senior local administrative official in the region.


Confirming the incident, the Executive Secretary of Nyamyumba sector in Rubavu district, Elisaphan Ugirirabino explained on Tuesday that the accident that occurred late Monday, happened in a remote area near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as a group of four illegal miners were attempting to enter in the cassiterite mine pit.


It said that three miners were killed by falling rocks and preliminary investigation shows that the accident occurred as a result of the ongoing rains.


According to reports, the dead bodies of those killed is still stuck inside the mine.


This accident occurred at time several families from remote rural villages of the East African nation, most of whom are  struggling to find employment in the  the informal sector, have taken to mining panning in most parts of the country to raise money to feed their families.


Scores have, however, died in similar mining mishaps but this has failed to deter illegal mining activities in several remote villages across the country.


Since the Rwandan government took decision to close several illegal mines in late 2011, a large number of neighboring residents, mostly comprising of illegal miners, still ignore a ban by the receiver who is seeking a buyer to take over the venture.


Over recent months, several dozens of people died when a shaft collapsed at several illegal mines, according to the latest figures from the Rwandan ministry of environmental and natural resource.


In the meanwhile, the Rwandan government has urged local miners to embrace modern mining ways to fully benefit from this sector which forecasts a growth in investment that are expected to reach US$500 million by 2020 while exports will hit US$240 million per year the same year, according to official projections.








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