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UN moves country offices to Tanzania’s new capital

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Dodoma, Tanzania, December 8 (Infosplusgabon) - The United Nations became the first international organization to move its country offices from Dar es Salaam to Tanzania’s new capital, Dodoma, on Thursday where it has, so far, relocated eight of its 23 agencies currently operating in the country.


“The launch of this office will strengthen the partnership between the UN and the Tanzanian Government especially in this crucial period of the capital transfer,” remarked UN Resident Coordinator and Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme, Mr. Alvaro Rodriguez.


Officiating at the launch, Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa expressed government's appreciation for the support it received from the UN system in the relocation.


Mr. Majaliwa assured other international organizations and foreign embassies in the country that the government has an orderly plan to ensure allocation of plots for construction of their offices and staff residences in Dodoma.


UN agencies moved to the upcoming city in central Tanzania are UNDP, UN Children’s Fund, UN Population Fund, UN Women, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization, and International Organization for Migration.







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