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Liberia gets 5 million euro EU boost for cocoa sector

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Monrovia, Liberia, December 8 (Infosplusgabon) - The European Union (EU) and Solidaridad West Africa have signed a 5 million Euro grant agreement to develop the cocoa sector in Liberia.


Ms. Emma Sundblad, Chargé d’affaires at the EU Delegation to Liberia, and Isaac Gyamfi, Regional Director at Solidaridad West Africa, signed the agreement on Thursday, said a release from the EU in Monrovia.


Under the Liberia Cocoa Sector Improvement Program (LICSIP), Solidaridad, with funding from the European Union, and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, will work with farmers and agro-businesses to improve the quality of Liberian cocoa and increase cocoa exports.


Solidaridad will also work with the government on sector policies and regulations to create a vibrant, competitive and profitable cocoa economy.


The project will last for four years, said the release which was issued on Friday.


The project targets the entire cocoa value chain in Liberia, and envisages working with and training of 5,000 cocoa farmers.


Activities include distribution of planting and other input materials, linking farmers and agro-dealers to international suppliers and buyers, support to the government of Liberia and specifically the Liberia Agriculture Commodity Regulatory Authority (LACRA), and finally branding and marketing of Liberian cocoa on the international market.


The Liberia Cocoa Sector Improvement Program is the first contract to be signed under the EU Liberia Agriculture Program, a 30 million Euro program financed by the EU with the objective to boost agricultural economic development and to improve the food and nutrition security in Liberia







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