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South Africa : Alarm over threats to leading journalists

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Cape Town, South Africa, december 7 (Infosplusgabon) - The South African National Editor’s Forum (SANEF) has expressed alarm at reports that police are investigating leading journalists Jacques Pauw and Pieter-Louis Myburgh, who have both reportedly published damning articles about President Jacob Zuma’s alleged corrupt dealings.


However, police spokesman Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo, denied that the two were being investigated or that a case had been opened.


SANEF official Katy Katopodis said the organization was deeply concerned by the reports and viewed it as an intimidation tactic. She added that “journalism is not a crime”.


Pauw who published an international bestseller – The President’s Keepers – which makes explosive graft allegations against the Zuma administration, has also received death threats.


It identifies key players in the local tobacco trade, police officials and state security agency spy bosses who are accused of working together to ensure that Zuma is not jailed for numerous alleged graft cases.


It also claims that Zuma was employed by a private company, earning a salary of about US$100,000 per month after he was elected President in 2009.


The State Security Agency (SSA) last month ordered NB Publishers, the publishers of the book, to withdraw it immediately. However, the publishers have refused.





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