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Rwanda to host 2018 eLearning Africa Conference

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Nairobi, Kenya, December 7 (Infosplusgabon) -  Rwanda is set to host the 2018 eLearning Africa Conference believing that they could play a significant role in pushing forward the African Union's 2063 agenda, organizers, International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), said on Thursday.



The conference is set for 26-28 September in Kigali, the Rwandese capital, which has gained a reputation for its ICT-based initiatives in a variety of sectors


This will happen as Rwanda, one of Africa's most technologically ambitious countries, takes over the AU chairmanship.


The conference, which is being jointly organised by ICWE GmbH and the Rwanda Convention Bureau under the patronage of the Rwandan Government, usually attracts well over 1,000 participants from all over the world.


They are not only teachers, academics and learning experts, but political leaders, policy makers, investors, technologists, business leaders and entrepreneurs too.


The conference is also the occasion for an annual round table meeting of African education and technology ministers.


In Rwanda, participants in eLearning Africa will have a chance to see for themselves the achievements of an African Government, which has set about using technology to transform education.


In 2014, the Government signed an agreement to incorporate information and communication technology into the country’s schools and colleges.


The benefits of “a new system of teaching that emphasises the use of computers and internet to impart knowledge” are already starting to be felt across the country.


And now the Government is confident that by 2020 all schools in the country will have at least two smart classrooms and all subjects will have been digitised.


“It is wonderful that Rwanda is now setting a real example for other countries in technology-assisted learning and hosting a conference whose theme is "Uniting Africa", says conference organiser, Rebecca Stromeyer.






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