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13 killed, 53 injured in twin Boko Haram suicide attacks in Nigeria

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Abuja, Nigeria, december 3 (Infosplusgabon) - Thirteen persons were killed on Saturday in twin Boko Haram suicide attacks in Biu, Borno State, in northeast Nigeria, the Nigeria police confirmed on Sunday.


Fifty-three persons were also injured.


The spokesman for the Borno State Police Command, Mr Victor Isuku, said in a statement that two female suicide attackers strapped with explosive devices launched the attacks on the main market in Biu, the third largest city in Borno State, birthplace of Boko Haram.


According to the statement, at about 1140hrs (1040 GMT) on Saturday, the suicide bombers infiltrated Biu. One of the bombers detonated the IED strapped on her body in the main market, while the other one detonated hers outside the market square.


“So far, a total of 13 persons excluding the two suicide bombers, have been confirmed killed in the two explosions, while 53 others sustained various degrees of injuries."


Mr Isuku said normalcy has been restored.








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