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AFRICA : TAEF statement on aggression of journalists in Congo-Brazzaville

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LIBREVILLE, December 1 (Infosplusgabon) -  The African Editors Forum (TAEF) expresses its deep concern over the deterioration of the working conditions of journalists in Congo-Brazzaville.


At a  brief press conference in Brazzaville  on Thursday,  November 30, organized  by the lawyers of the Congolese opposition leader  in prison, André Salissa Okaombi, several journalists, including the activist of  Fremac  (Forum   of  media  managers  of   the  Central  Africa),  our  colleague  Laudes Martial Mbon, also correspondents of several press agencies, were brutalized andreturned   from   the   conference   room.


The  work   materials of  journalists  have  been  seized   and   taken   to unknown   destinations.


The African   Editors Forum (TAEF)  strongly  protests  against this  hindrance to  the exercise of their function by journalists from the Congolese authorities.


It  urges the Congolese Government to facilitate  journalists  work, respect  the freedom of the   press   and   expression.   The   African   Forum   for   Press   Editors   calls   on   the Congolese Government to ensure that there are texts in this country   on   the   decriminalization   of   press   offenses   and   the   abolition   of   custodial sentences.







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