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Zuma condemns Libyan slave markets

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Cape Town, South Africa, November  30 (Infosplusgabon) - South African President Jacob Zuma on Thursday added his voice to the outcry over the slave markets that have been exposed in Libya and has called on other world leaders to do the same.


The detention of the migrants has become a pressing issue after video footage showing African men sold in Libyan slave auctions was aired by CNN earlier this month.


"We need to act decisively and support the Libyan Government to address this human tragedy and eradicate the scourge of modern day slavery, exploitation and forced labour, currently unfolding in front of our eyes,” Zuma said at the African Union-European Union Summit which  addressed the matter in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.


Zuma added that world leaders cannot stand idle without condemning such actions in the strongest possible terms.


The AU-EU Summit ended Wednesday.


The United Nations wants Libya’s internationally-backed government to agree to shut down 30 detention centres holding about 15,000 migrants.






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