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Gambia prepared to face FIFA sanctions rather than to support corruption

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Banjul, Gambia, November 30 (Infosplusgabon) - Gambia says they are ready to face sanctions from FIFA as they failed to obey an order to rescind the suspension of the executive committee running the country's federation.


The Gambian Football Federation's executive is suspended by the Gambian National Sports Council's chairman, Bori Darboe.


Darboe is supported by the country’s sports minister, Henry Gomez, and Darboe insists they are not going to heed FIFA's orders.


This comes after the global football governing body warned it could take further action, yet Darboe is willing to accept a global ban if necessary.


“We will not rescind our decision nor compromise the principles of good governance,” Darboe said.


“We are in no way reluctant to engage with the suspended executive as proposed by FIFA in their letter to the Council.


“In the worst scenario it is better for the country to be suspended and we put our house in order than allow wrong doing to prevail and remain as we are without progress in our football development.


“The Sports Council is not and will not compromise nor abandon the current principles of accountability and transparency.


“The Gambia will not allow any individual or group to flout the financial rules and regulations of this land without being dealt with impunity.


“To let you know just one serious case at hand right now. The NSC has investigated and confirmed with the Gambia Revenue Authority that there are sufficient evidences of GFF involvement in tax fraud.


“Also let me make it clear that a full and detailed report will be compiled and forwarded to FIFA at the end of the investigations.”







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