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South Africa's official opposition calls for fresh elections in Zimbabwe

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Cape Town, South Africa, November 21 (Infosplusgabon) - South Africa’s official opposition Democratic Alliance said President Robert Mugabe’s resignation is a major victory for the people of Zimbabwe who have suffered greatly under his reign.

It said the former liberator of his people brought division, instability, and economic ruin to the country.


“While Mugabe’s resignation is the first step towards a new beginning for Zimbabwe, it is not the silver bullet that will fix the country. Mugabe may be gone, but the ruling ZANU-PF party remains,” said DA leader Mmusi Maimane.


He said ZANU-PF is complicit in each and every ill committed by the Mugabe regime, and as such cannot be trusted to bring a new beginning to Zimbabwe.


“History has taught us that failed liberation movements cannot and will not self-correct. The solution has to come from outside these movements Therefore, we maintain that a fresh mandate is required from the electorate, and the people of Zimbabwe must be given the opportunity to go to the polls and elect a new President,” he said.


Maimane, who is chairperson of the Southern African Partnership for Democratic Change (SAPDC), has called on the Southern African Development Community to take the lead in ensuring an interim government is put in place, and that elections are held as soon as possible.


“Today the will of the Zimbabwean people has prevailed as Robert Mugabe is no longer President of their country. It is now time for the Zimbabwean people to decide who ought to replace him as President, and for an election to be held at once,” he added.








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