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Former vice-president Mnangagua wants President Mugabe to resign

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Harare, Zimbabwe, November 21 (Infosplusgabon) - Former Zimbabwe Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa has stepped into the political crisis in the country asking President Robert Mugabe to resign as the ruling ZANU-PF party begins the process to impeach him while the military urges patience as they work to take the country of the fast moving situation.


In a statement quoted by the local media, Mnangagua, whose dismissal from his post and the party two weeks ago apparently moved the military to take over the country, said President Mugabe was on record saying that he would leave office once people said they no longer wanted. Now that they have spoken, he must accept the will of the people and resign.


“The people of Zimbabwe have spoken with one voice and it is my appeal to President Mugabe that he should take heed of this clarion call by the people of Zimbabwe to resign so that the country can move forward and preserve his legacy," the Zimbabawe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) quoted him as saying.


“President Mugabe in his televised State of the Nation Address admitted to a number of a latent disregard to the interest of the people and dereliction of duty, surely after making such an admission common sense dictates that it should have been followed by an apology and immediate resignation to save the legacy of our struggle,” said Mnangagwa who fled the country after his dismissal.


Mnangagwa confirmed that President Mugabe had invited him for a discussion on the current political events in the nation.

However, he said, he could only return home when he was satisfied of his personal security.


“I told the President that I would not return home now until I am satisfied of my personal security, because of the manner and treatment given to me upon being fired. Given the events that followed my dismissal on Monday 6th November 2017 at 4.00pm, my security details assigned to me and at my residency were immediately withdrawn. This was contrary to all the protocols that have existed in Zimbabwe to former State Vice Presidents of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Security personnel, who are friendly to me, warned me that plans were underfoot to eliminate me once arrested and taken to a police station. It was in my security interest to leave the country immediately,” Mnangagwa said in his statement.


The former vice president said the current political and constitutional situation in the country was not a matter between him and President Mugabe but between the people of Zimbabwe and President Mugabe.


He added that the mass "solidarity" demonstrations led by the war veterans last Saturday, the fully legally constituted Special Session of the ZANU-PF Central Committee culminating in resolutions which were taken by the Session last Sunday and the resolution by the ZANU-PF parliamentary caucus on Monday to institute impeachment proceedings against the President were testimony that the President had lost the trust and confidence of the people of Zimbabwe.


“To me the voice of the people is the voice of God and their lack of trust and confidence in the leadership of President Mugabe has been expressed. Several groups including students, general workers, opposition party members, vendors, religious organizations and ordinary citizens led by our war veterans, our party members in Zanu PF, civic society, and all races of colour and creed in Zimbabwe clearly demonstrated without violence their insatiable desire to have the resignation of His Excellency, Cde Robert Gabriel Mugabe,” he said.


Mnangagwa said the ZDF intervention through the motto code-named “Operation Restore Legacy” was aimed at preserving the ethos of the country’s struggle against British colonialism which was led by the late Dr Joshua Nkomo, President Mugabe and many others.


He added that he looked forward to returning home soon and to join in the struggle for the economic revival of the country which was so endowed with agriculture, industrial and commerce, and mining opportunities and with rich human resource bedrock to support its endeavours.


“My desire is to join all Zimbabweans in a new era where corruption, incompetency, dereliction of duty and laziness, social and cultural decadency is not tolerated. In that new Zimbabwe it is important for everyone to join hands so that we rebuild this nation to its full glory, this is not a job for Zanu PF alone but for all people of Zimbabwe,” he said.


The military on Monday asked the population to fully observe and respect the laws of the country for "the sustenance of the precious peace we should never lose" as they agree a "roadmap" with President Robert Mugabe to end the situation.


"The Zimbabwe Defence and Security Services further urge other political players, including members of the ruling ZANU PF, the veterans of the liberation struggle, opposition groups, students, and generality of the people to refrain from any actions or activities that would threaten the peace, life and property."


The Commander ZDF, General Constantino Dominic Guveya Nyikadzino Chiwenga said: “As your Defence and Security Services, we remain seized with the operation code named 'Operation Restore Legacy.' We are confident to take our beloved country out of its present circumstances and set it on the desired development trajectory.”


President Mugabe in a broadcast on Sunday night said he would stay on and preside over the congress of ZANU-PF next month despite being sacked by the party that is poised to impeach him.


The people of Zimbabwe appear to be in a hurry to see the back of President Mugabe, the liberation hero turned a villain, as far as many of them are concerned, given the huge turnouts at the weekend to back the military takeover of the country and demands on him to leave.







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