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Zimbabwe defence and security services urge 'calm, patience' in political crisis

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Harare, Zimbabw, November 21 (Infosplusgabon) - The Zimbabwe Defence Defence and Security Services are urging Zimbabweans to remain calm and patient as they work to take the country out of the current situation.



They are also asking the population to fully observe and respect the laws of the country for "the sustenance of the precious peace we should never lose" as they agree a "roadmap" with President Robert Mugabe to end the situation.


A statement issued on Monday, as the ruling ZANU PF prepares to start impeachment proceedings against President Robert Mugabe, said: "The Zimbabwe Defence and Security Services further urge other political players, including members of the ruling ZANU PF, the veterans of the liberation struggle, opposition groups, students, and generality of the people to refrain from any actions or activities that would threaten the peace, life and property."


The Zimbabawe Defence Forces (ZDF) said meetings with beleaguered President Mugabe had "gone on in an atmosphere of mutual respect and several guarantees have been made". It did not specify the guarantees.


The statement further throws into doubt when President Mugabe would leave office and strengthens views that the military, whose actions against the president last Wednesday started the process, wants him to have a dignified exit and in line with the Constitution.


The Commander ZDF, General Constantino Dominic Guveya Nyikadzino Chiwenga said: “As your Defence and Security Services, we remain seized with the operation code named 'Operation Restore Legacy.' We are confident to take our beloved country out of its present circumstances and set it on the desired development trajectory.”


The statement said following the address to the nation by President Mugabe on Sunday night, when he said he would preside over the ZANU-PF congress in December despite being sacked by the party, the ZDF had made further consultations with the President to agree on "a roadmap" on the prevailing situation in the country. The statement gave no details on the roadmap.


The ZDF also said they were encouraged by new developments which include contact between the President and dismissed former Vice President, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, who was expected in the country "shortly". The sacking of Mnangagua triggered the military action that is leading to the end of President Mugabe's 37-year rule of the southern African country.


“Thereafter, the nation will be advised on the outcome of talks between the two," General Chiwenga said, adding that in the meantime, President Mugabe had "started processes towards a definitive solution and roadmap for the country”.


The ZDF also encouraged students at the country’s various institutions, who are boycotting examinations until President Mugabe leaves office, to be calm and to proceed with their educational programmes as scheduled and to remember that "one day of education lost is difficult to recover".


“We remain a people’s Force and Security Services, which is why uppermost on our mind is the conclusion of this whole operation with the minimum inconvenience and certainly without any collateral loss of life, injury or destruction of property,” noted General Chiwenga.


Meanwhile, the Zanu PF Secretary for Information and Publicity, Simon Khaya Moyo says the President Mugabe was formally notified on Monday morning of the decisions of the Central Committee recalling him from the position of President and First Secretary of ZANU PF.


He also announced that ZANU PF had proceeded further to instruct the Chief Whip to go ahead with impeachment processes against President Mugabe as it has not received the anticipated confirmation of his resignation from the Speaker of Parliament.


Moyo added that a caucus of ZANU PF parliamentarians was held at the party headquarters in Harare on Monday in pursuit of the resolutions by the special session of the Central Committee to initiate the impeachment processes.


The motion of the proceedings is expected to be tabled before parliament on Tuesday.






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