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Five die, four others injured in suicide attacks in Maiduguri

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Abuja, Nigeria, November 19  (Infosplusgabon) - The Nigeria police on Sunday said that five persons were killed and four others injured on Saturday when suicide bombers attacked Maiduguri, northeast Nigeria.


Maiduguri, the epicentre of Boko Haram attacks, has seen an upsurge of suicide attacks in recent weeks. In just one incident last week by four suicide bombers, 18 persons were killed while 29 others sustained injuries.


Maiduguri, which is the capital of Borno State, has also had heightened security concerns as a text message has been circulating among the residents, claiming that some soft targets have been slated for attacks by the Boko Haram terrorist group.


The text message in circulation reads: “An information received from the Army intelligence states that the Boko Haram suicide bombers are trying to attack NGOs’ vehicles, clinics, mosques, markets, churches, and all gathering places. Therefore people should be vigilant on their movement. Please share this info with other NGOs actors. The source is from arrested Boko Haram Friday night along Gubio road.”


The Spokesman of the Nigeria Police in Borno State, Mr Victor Isuku, said in a statement that early on Saturday, two female suicide bombers detonated their IED vest in the outskirt of Alakaramtii village in Jere local government area, killing themselves alone. Then at about 0650hrs (0530GMT), two other teenage female suicide bombers infiltrated Alakaramtii village. One of them hurriedly detonated her IED vest killing herself, her partner and an innocent boy.


Normalcy has since been restored to the area.






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