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SADC holds extraordinary summit to consider Zimbabwe’s political crisis

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, November 17 (Infosplusgabon) - An urgent extraordinary summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is due to be held on Friday in Gaborone, Botswana, to consider the situation in Zimbabwe following the military takeover of the country’s administration on Tuesday.


A sub-committee of SADC responsible for peace, security and politics met on Thursday at ministerial level at the SADC Secretariat in Gaborone to discuss the same situation ahead of the summit.


In a statement at the conclusion of its session, the SADC Organ Troika comprising Angola, Tanzania and Zambia, plus the SADC Council Chairperson who is South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, called upon “all stakeholders in Zimbabwe to settle the political challenges through peaceful means”.


The regional group’s statement said the chairperson of SADC, President Jacob Zuma of South Africa has called the extraordinary meeting to discuss security and political matters of Zimbabwe following the military takeover in Zimbabwe.


Robert Mugabe has been Zimbabwe’s leader since the country’s liberation from British colonial power in 1980 until late Tuesday when the military intervened, claiming it was targeting “criminals” surrounding the head of state.


Noting with great concern the unfolding situation in Zimbabwe, the Organ Troika has reaffirmed SADC's commitment to the African Union (AU) Constitutive Act and the SADC Democratic Principles in relation to unconstitutional removal of democratically elected governments.


In addition, the Organ Troika underlined the need for SADC member States to remain guided by their constitutions.


Several international organisations, including the African Union, have called for a democratic transition in Zimbabwe in accordance with its Charter on democracy and good governance.


The Zimbabwean situation follows a bitter power struggle within the ruling ZANU-PF which culminated in the dismissal last week of vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa from his post and the party, putting President Mugabe's wife, Grace, in pole position to assume the post and therefore succeed the 93-year-old president.


As discussions on the future of President Mugabe continue, he has told President Zuma that he is confined to his home but is well.


On Thursday he met Zimbabwean Army Chief chief Gen Constantino Chiwenga and envoys of SADC sent by President Zuma.







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