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Blair pledges help in fixing Gambia’s energy problem

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Banjul, Gambia, November 16 (Infosplusgabon) - Former UK prime minister Tony Blair has disclosed his readiness to assist Gambia in solving its energy crisis.


Blair, who is on a working visit, made the disclosure after meeting Gambian President Adama Barrow.


He said his Tony Blair Institute for Global Change would standby the new Gambian government in tackling pressing problems in the country, including the power problem.


Blair pointed out that during his meeting with President Barrow, they also discussed ways and means of collaborating in other sectors like tourism, agriculture and health.


He said his institute would assist President Barrow and his government to implement change in the Gambia.


Blair expressed delight in visiting The Gambia for the second time and spoke of the difficult times the country went through recently.


Meanwhile, Gambia has been hit by serious power cuts with most of the capital city, Banjul and its environs, going without electricity and water supply for eight hours daily.








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