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Resignation of Mauritian Vice Prime Minister makes headlines in Mauritius media

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Port Louis, Mauritius, November 12 (Infosplusgabon) - The resignation of Vice Prime Minister and number 4 of the Mauritian government, Showkatally Soodhun, sparked late Friday by Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, was highlighted in the local media on Saturday.


All media reported the press conference at which the Prime Minister asked the No. 4 of his government to leave office. The decision came after the Prime Minister learned on Tuesday  about a video in which Showkutally Soodhun made sectarian remarks at a meeting at his ministry.


The online newspaper L’ wrote that Jugnauth had asked the police to investigate into the Deputy Prime Minister.


"This video was the straw that broke the camel after the death threats that Soodhun made against Xavier-Luc Duval (leader of the Opposition), not to mention the expulsion of a woman at a workshop and his suitcases in excess upon his return from a trip to Saudi Arabia.


"Since then, many Mauritians have expressed their anger on social networks and have asked for the resignation of the minister," the paper wrote.


Mr Soodhun is the second minister and third member of the government to resign following a scandal. The first was Raj Dayal, former Minister of Environment, accused of corruption; then Attorney General Ravi Yerrigadoo, after a money-laundering case.


According to the daily Le Défi, the case of Mr Soodhun dates back to July 2017 during a meeting between the Deputy Prime Minister and some people who opposed the construction of social housing in their region.


"The meeting was recorded with a mobile phone and was revealed to the press this week. Since then, many people have asked for the resignation of the minister, " wrotes this newspaper.


The daily also published a list of the Deputy Prime Minister's escapades for the period he has been in office since January 2015.


For its part, the online ION News wrote: "Pravind Jugnauth maintains that he will be merciless to those who jeopardize national unity, even in his own camp."


Finally, in an opinion piece, journalist Jean-Marc Poche de Le Mauricien, wrote that he believes it was difficult for Soodhun to get by.


"Today, he learns at his cost where can lead a dangerous demagoguery. He is one of those politicians with a language for every circumstance and for every audience he speaks to, depending on the class.


"In this quilt of archaic politicians of another time, who can put national unity in danger only to achieve their goal? "


The writer added that by agreeing to sanction Soodhun, "Pravind Jugnauth was successful narrowly, to preserve his image, because it is his authority that was at stake. Now it is a question of closely monitoring the police investigation and ensuring that it is carried out in complete independence. "







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