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Former South African Intelligence Minister ridicules Zuma

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Cape Town, South Africa, November  8 (Infosplusgabon) - Just a week after investigative journalist and author Jacques Pauw released an explosive book detailing the widespread corruption in President Jacob Zuma’s administration, liberation hero Ronnie Kasrils has published a damning book about Zuma’s deeply flawed character.


The former Intelligence Minister ha described Zuma as a "dangerous disgrace". His book "A Simple Man: Kasrils and the Zuma Enigma"‚  was unveiled at the headquarters of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) on Tuesday night.


Kasrils, who served as the head of intelligence during the liberation war fought alongside Zuma. He said he warned Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki about Zuma’s flawed character. He added that Zuma is “backward, ethnic and tribal”.


Meanwhile, the State Security Agency (SSA) is considering its next move after Pauw refused to withdraw his book - “The President’s Keepers” - which says Zuma “has ripped society and the state to shreds”.


The SSA’s cease-and-desist letter to Pauw on the grounds that the book compromises state security is the first of its kind to be served on any publisher or author in democratic South Africa. However, it may have found its match with Pauw who has thanked the “spooks" for the free publicity and for confirming the accuracy of his main sources.


The book has become a major best-seller in South Africa. Most book sellers sold out over the weekend, but a further 30,000 copies are expected in stores this week. Gloablly, it is one of the most sought-after reads on digital store Amazon.


Another Zuma book which is flying off the shelves is Redi Thlabi’s biograpgy about Fezekile Kuzwayo which reveals the harrowing story about the woman who was vilified after she accused Zuma of rape. For years she was known only as Khwezi, but after her death in October 2016, her name was made public.







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