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President Bashir received Chairperson of AU Commission

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Khartoum, Sudan, November  6 (Infosplusgabon) -  President Omar Bashir of Sudan on Monday received the visiting Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Musa Faki, and told him that Sudan fully supports AU reforms and implementation of the 2063 agenda.


The official Sudan news agency said President Bashir also expressed Sudan’s appreciation for the support it received from the AU on all critical issues at the regional and international levels, a reference for the lifting of economic sanctions against the country last month by the USA.


It said Bashir met with Faki in the presence of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour.


According to the Sudan news agency the AU Commissioner stated that the two men discussed issues in which the Sudan plays a major role.


He said the meeting also discussed the security situation in South Sudan, Somalia, Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as efforts underway to implement the 2063 agenda with regard to economic issues.







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