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Mugabe fires 'deceitful' Vice President Mnangagua


Harare, Zimbabwe, November 6 (Infosplusgabon) -  Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has fired Vice President Emmerson Mnangagua with immediate effect saying he has been "disloyal", "deceitful" and "unreliable", among other things.


The dismissal of Mnangagua comes as the power struggle in the ruling ZANU-PF reaching a new high as First Lady Grace Mugabe works to put herself in pole position to succeed her nonagenarian husband who has ruled the southern African country since 1980.


Mrs Mugabe, 52, has openly been criticisng the former Vice president and only on Sunday asked her husband to sack him from the ruling party and also name her as his successor.


An official statement signed by Mr Simon Khaya Moyo, Minister of Information, Media and Broadcastin Services said: "In accordance with the Constitution of Zimbabwe ... His Excellency the President, Comrade R. G. Mugabe has exercised his Powers to relieve Honourable Vice President E. D. Mnangagua of his position as Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe with immediate effect."


It added: "It had become evident that his conduct in the discharge of his duties had become inconsistent with his official responsibilities. The Vice President has consistently and persistently exhibited traits of disloyalty, disrespect, deceitfulness and unreliability. He has also demonstrated little probity in the execution of hixs duties."


President Mugabe, 93, had warned earlier that he would sack Mnangagua, whose supporters heckled his wife at a rally at the weekend.





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